


ya ampun lil sis baru aja officially sembuh dari penyakit yang entah apa ini namanya T__T sejak hari minggi kemaren itu udah pusingna minta ampun.. tapi minum panadol biru sembuh jadi dibiarin ajah padahal tadinya pengen nga masuk skul tuh.. heheh.. tapi masa masuk aja blom udah mau meliburkan diri lagi??
tapi kejadian itu berulang terus sampe hari slasa, yang mana diminumin panadol GA NGARUH which means udah parah.. jadilah malem slasa terkapar di atas kasur.. merintih - rintih gitu deh.. huaaa.. jadi tuh sindromnya begini..

pagi: brasa seger, cuma rada pusing2 gimanaaa gitu..

siang: bawaannya mulai ngantuk.. mulai pusing juga.. @_@
sore: it's like... DYING.. itu bener2 paraaaaahh.. terus bisa tidur di kamar yg mungil tanpa ada bantuan sirkulasi udara apapun ddengan piyama lengkap + bed cover yang tebel.. it's so DAMN COLD!!!
malem : sedikit mereda.. tapi berhubung udah kebanyakan tidur jadinya nga bisa tidur.. guling2 aja kayak org dodol di atas kasur.. hueheh

dan hari rabo malem itu akhirnya my mom took me to the doctor.. which kinda weird karena kan i have i own doctor :D heheh i think i forgot to mention kalo my boy kuliah kedokteran.. heheh.. yah berhubung beliau blom dapet gelar jadi kan nga valid kalo bikin resep dokter xD hihih..

anyway pas di dokter itu kan dipriksain macem2 gitu kan, pas di priksa tensi itu katanya kluar bintik2 merah gitu.. as i assume that you've all known, itu adalah tanda2 dari demam berdarah.. huhuhu.. jadilah malem itu juga dilarikan ke RSPI, nga lgsg opname sih.. cuma cek darah doang.. dan TERNYATA... lil sis nga sakit DB!! karena setelah di cek itu trombosit masih 200an which means masih di range 150 - 400 which means masih bagus and which means nga kena DB!! itu udah sorak2 bergembira tuh nga usah opname.. tapi kata dokternya besoknya musti cek lagih.. kerna kalo diliat overall jangan2 200 itu udah turun.. diliat dari Hb nya yang 17.3an padahal range itu cuma dari 7 ato 8 sampe 16.. yang brarti jauh di atas normalnya..hueheh..

but the next day dpriksa juga nga terjadi prubahan yang signifikan..


seriously.. sampe skrg hari jumat dan udah menunjukkan tanda2 sembuh, lil sis masih nga tau ini penyakit apa.. hahah

but there is another event today that i wanna share.. MY SECOND MONTH ANIV WITH MY BOY!! yipeee!! :D happy aniv juga bwat my soulmate andin and his boy daniel yang masih mengahadapi berbagia rintangan in their love life.. wish u guys the best!! :)
owyah second month aniv ini juga brarti 1st month aniv bwat ini blog dan six more days to bertha dan franz aniv :) jangan sering2 brantem ya guys..

another item! well, aga telat sih.. tapi i had my hair cut~ haihahahaha...

sayang putunya gelap bet.. T__T yah intinya skrg lil sis BERPONI! trus juga jadi pendek itu bgian blkgnya.. yang menjadi penyesalan di kemudian hari kerna panjangnya jadi tanggung.. kalo di skul di lepas katanya melanggar aturan jadi musti diiket, tapi kalo diiket my face jadi BULEEETT!! huhuh.. tapi gpp.. byk org yang admit kalo it's suits me ko.. plus ada yg bilang jadi lebih manis juga.. kyaaaaaaaaa!!! xD hueheeheh

see u on the next post!



first of all, i would like to say a big apology for all of my family, friends, and readers... and also..

*ketupat plis :D*

tuh kan ini udah mulai males.. udah hampir sebulan nga posting lagih..hueheh.. so many things i should told here.. tapi mulai dari mana yah?? yah well as far as i remeber aja yah.. heheh

btw ini barusan baca dari msn lifestyle, kinda good..

25 Fascinating Love Facts

By Laura Schaefer

1. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don't.
(ga tau dari mana korelasinya sih, tapi lil sis mah oke2 aja.. enak di istrinya bukan?? :D)

2. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!)
(it's true!! so do i!!! knp yah?)

3. When it comes to doing the deed early in the relationship, 78 percent of women would decline an intimate rendezvous if they had not shaved their legs or underarms.

4. Feminist women are more likely than other females to be in a romantic relationship.

5. Two-thirds of people report that they fall in love with someone they've known for some time vs. someone that they just met.
(yeah i dun belief in love at first sight X) kinda weird.. at least musti kenal dulu for some times baru deh..)

6. There's a reason why office romances occur: The single biggest predictor of love is proximity.

7. Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body and mind and raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover's memory.

8. Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses — pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.
(jadi takut sama jatuh cinta itu samaaa??? XD hahahah)

9. Brain scans show that people who view photos of a beloved experience an activation of the caudate — the part of the brain involving cravings.
(no wonder people who fall in love always crave for 'things'.. hahah no i'm just kiddin)

10. The women of the Tiwi tribe in the South Pacific are married at birth.

11. The "Love Detector"
(???) service from Korean cell phone operator KTF uses technology that is supposed to analyze voice patterns to see if a lover is speaking honestly and with affection. Users later receive an analysis of the conversation delivered through text message that breaks down the amount of affection, surprise, concentration and honesty of the other speaker.

12. Eleven percent of women have gone online and done research on a person they were dating or were about to meet, versus seven percent of men.

13. Couples' personalities converge over time to make partners more and more similar.

14. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

15. The tradition of the diamond engagement ring comes from Archduke Maximillian of Austria who, in the 15th century, gave a diamond ring to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy.

16. Forty-three percent of women prefer their partners never sign "love" to a card unless they are ready for commitment.

17. People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin — as low as levels seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
( whaaaatttttt??? wtf??) Perhaps that's why it's so easy to feel obsessed when you're smitten.

18. Philadelphia International Airport finished as the No. 1 best airport for making a love connection, according to an online survey.

19. According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you'll make a love match.
(HUAHAHAHAHHA.. jadi buat player yang di luar sana berbahagialah kerna kali udah PUAS ganti2 pasangan dan menemukan 'the one' for your life.. huaahahhaha.. how bout dat, my boy? x)

20. A man's beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex.
(gotta check my boy's.. hahah)

21. Every Valentine's Day, Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet

21. When we get dumped, for a period of time we love the person who rejected us even more, says Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University and author of Why We Love. The brain regions that lit up when we were in a happy union continue to be active.
took place, receives around 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet.(dan dari sinilah muncul orang2 yang terobsesi untuk mendapatkan orang lain..)

22. People telling the story of how they fell in love overwhelmingly (yeah rite :D) believe the process is out of their control.

23. Familiarity breeds comfort and closeness … and romance.

24. One in five long-term love relationships began with one or both partners being involved with others.

25. OK, this one may not surprise you, but we had to share it: Having a romantic relationship makes both genders happier. The stronger the commitment, the greater the happiness!
(awh.. this is so sweet.. it's really true though.. )

so? i think all above are really true.. and applies for universe.. heheh...

anyway next i wanna show a pic after this..
kemaren senen lil sis and my boy baru nonton "awake" yang sumpah ya amit2 ramenya itu yang namanya XXI astaga.. gara2 ada launching laskar pelangi sepertinya.. tapi lil sis sengaja ga mau nonton itu soalnya MALES pasti penuhnya minta
ampun.. dan lagi sejak nonton trailernya AWAKE jadi penasaran.. yeah i know it's kinda late.. tapi yg penting kan enjoy :D

but then sumthing strange but funny occur!! pas lil sis lagi ngantri di XXI trying to search for my boy yang katanya di XXI juga.. tapi ko ga ada yaaa? in front of lil sis ada bapak2 gitu bergaya om-om pada umumnya (silahkan bayangkan om masing2) dan di depannya lagi ada sum ordinary guy gitu yang all of sudden balik badan ngadep blakan
g.. guess who!! it's my boy ternyataaaa~ dan kita sama2 ngantri tanpa tau yg lain juga lagi ngantri.. hauuaua.. dan with my all stupidity lil sis udah nyari kemana2 tapi nga ketemu juga my boy ini.. padahal beliau kan tinggi!! and surprisingly..

we both wear GREEN polo shirt!! hahaha.. sumpah kayak janjian.. here is the pic..

yah ijonya emang beda sih..punya lil sis ijo pastel (ato ijo buluk??) dan punya my boy ijo apel..
but still, it's GREEEEEEENN~~ hahah maksa..

the NEXT thing!!

akirnya setelah perjuangan dapetin KTP selesai (yang terjadi kira2 bualn juni lalu sebetulnya) lil sis blajar NYETIIIRR~~ yihaaa!! udah tiga hari ini sejak awal minggu liburan balajr nyetir mobil :D dan ternyata SUSAH.. kirain kyk nyetir mobil daytona di timezone (yang dengan asalnya ditabrakin kemana2..huahaha) yang so far itu susah itu kalo lagi di jalan gede which means banyak mobil, dan harus berpikir cepat antara kopling(my dad nga ngijinin langsung blajar matic)-rem-gas-setir-liatin jalan-lampu sen yang bikin kagok dan YG CANTIKNYA tiba2 mesinnya mati...


sumpah itu nyebelin buanget.. dan berhubung di jalan gede kan jadi aga2 tegang gimana gitu.. dan mengakibatkan mau diulang brapa kali juga ga bakal bisa maju.. padahal kalo di jalan biasa, brenti trus jalan lagi udah mulus..
but for me it's fun ^^ kalo lagi nyetir bisa nyengir sendiri tiba2.. huahahah.. hey it's rhymes!

NYENGIR (okeh maksa)

and so far paling cepet baru 20 km/jam.. huahahah

btw.. sambil poting ini lagi sakit perut nih.. kira2 gara2 apa yah? *thinking*
btw lagi, itu oreo yg mengandung melamin beneran nga sih? karena kalo bener jangan2 ini gara2 makan oreo.. *ups*

apakah melamin mengakibatkan mencret2?

anyway i hope poting berikutnya nga terlalu lama *amin* tapi dengan tugas yg bejibun begini.. hahah ga janji deh :)