

YES I INDEED LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!! even though i hate him b4.. eheheh.. jadi bgini, lil sis baru slese baca "new moon" - Stephenie Meyer dan SUMPAH I HAVE TO ADMIT baca depannya itu bikin hati miris.. huhuhu.. i just want to put a part here, a part where i said OMG THIS IS SO SWEET!!!! hehehe..

anyway, here we go, aga panjang sih, tapi nga full ko, ada yg dipotong..this is the part when bella asked to edward and the whole family (AGAIN) to be one of the Cullens.. yg nga mau baca skip sendiri..

"I would want...Carlisle not to have to do it. I would want you to change me."

I watched his reaction warily, expecting more of the fury I'd seen at his house. I was surprised that his expression didn't change. It was still calculating, thoughtful.

"What would you be willing to trade for that?"

I couldn't believe my ears. I gawked at his composed face and blurted out the answer before I could think of it.


He smiled faintly, and then pursed his lips.

" Five years?"

My face twisted into an expression somewhere between chagrin and horror.

"You said anything," he reminded me

"Yes, but...you'll use the time to find a way out of it. I have to strike while the iron is hot. Besides, it's just too dangerous to be human - for me, at least. So, anything but that."

He frowned. "Three years?"


"Isn't it worth anything to you at all?"

I thought about how much I wanted this. Better to keep a poker face, I decided, and not let him know how very much that was. It would give me more leverage. "Six months?"

He rolled his eyes."Not good enough."

"One year, then," I said. "That's my limit."

"At least give me two."

"No way. Nineteen I'll do. But I'm not going anywhere near twenty. If you're staying in your teens forever, then so am I."

He thought for a minute. "All right. Forget time limits. If you want me to be the one - then you'll just have to meet one condition."

"Condition?" My voice went flat. "What condition?"

His eyes were cautious - he spoke slowly.

"Marry me first."

OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD~~!!!!!! I REALLY LOVE THAT SCENEEE!!! ahahahahha.. not that i want it in short period, but i DO WANT IT!!!! *a note for my boy :D heheh*

tapi abis itu aga2 anti klimaks xD heheh

"I'm only eighteen"

"Well, I'm nearly a hundred and ten. It's time I settled down."

HAHAHAH kasian bgt si edward xD heheheh

ANYWAY setelah berjijay2 ria baca depannya...NEW MOON TERNYATA MEMANG BIKIN BETE.. udah dpnnya bikin bete.. blkgnya juga.. GANTUNG CRITANYAAAAA... beteee.. harus baca yang ketiga!!! mu minta bertha bawain ahhhh~~ hehehehe...

despite of the title of the blog entry, my heart is still only for my boy xD hehehe..


courtesy to toki no tabibito :)

bwat lily!!!
dun be sad girl!!!
never look back on history, but learn from them for ur future ;)

she was complaining why do parents kinda push their kids to learn sumthing.. in our case, we gotta learn piano from the very start of our life.. since we're just a kid.. however, orangtua memang paling tau apa yg paling baik buat kita, u have to admit dat, meskipun setelah beberapa taun, we found out that it is useless for us.. but at least we've tried, kalo nga disuruh blom tentu kita bakal coba toh? :)

cheer up lily!! paling nga skrg lo masih menekuni piano, dan masih berjalan mulus toh? skrg lil sis udah brenti les piano, maen piano juga hardly ever..awalnya sih karena tugas - tugas skul yg numpuk banget bikin lil sis nga kuat lagi kalo musti tetep rutin latian piano.. jadilah waktu SMA i stop study piano and trying to learn by myself (yg gagal total :P)

until sumday, waktu ada tes bakat minat, pada kertas yang berisi keterangan2 mengenai lil sis, salah satunya mengatakan kalo bakat lil sis bukan pada bidang musik.. and you know what? when my dad read it, he said

"pantes dulu kamu brenti main piano"

dengan nada yg sumpah nga enak banget.. well, it is my fault for not having the ability to play piano well?? kalo memang bukan bakatnya ke situ, memang nga mudah toh?? i really dun like it when he said dat.. yah walopun lil sis nga bilang apa2 sih.. tapi sakit hati aja..

well ANYWAY, dun be sad ly, u're the one who still study it, and use dat chance! :) tapi jangan ragu2 bwat ngungkapin ke ortu lo kalo ada apa2.. jangan pendem sendiri.. okay girl? ;)


another sweet song :)

PLAIN WHITE T's - 1 2 3 4

Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4

There’s only one thing to do, three words, for you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say those three words, that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you

Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4

There’s only one thing to do, three words, for you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say those three words, that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you

(I love you) I love you

You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4

There’s only one thing to do, three words, for you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say those three words, that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you

(I love you) I love you


I love you
(I love you)
I love you

my boy is on the way home!!! can't wait to meet him very soon!! XD


Sedih.. sedih..

Sedih.. sedih.. sedih... sedih...

nga isinya nga sedih duank ko.. heheh but lil sis is REALLY sad by now.. bcoz her boy is away in a very damn cruel way..

it's all started dari ulum kmaren.. yeah i've just finished my end of semester exam.. baru aja hari rebo kmaren.. kesialan sudah dimulai di hari jumat kemaren..
Jadi bgini.. jadwal ulum di skulnya lil sis itu kan nga banyak2 brubah, dari semester ke semester brikutnya itu mirriiippp.. nah dengan PD Jaya, lil sis hari kamis itu blajar fisika..dengan keadaan yang semaput karena emang lagi sakit T__T flunya parah bgt deh kmrn itu.. udah stenga mati ngapalin rumus yg ngujubile banyaknya itu, terjadilah seuatu kebodohan..pagi2 di bawah tangga i met vina..

vina: hai ce
grace: oi vin
vina: aduh ce kmaren akirnya gw cuma blajar 2 jam sama japri (another friend's name)
grace: hahah gw udah setres.. akirnya gw cuma ngapalin rumus duank..
*Takjub, fisika emang kalo bukan rumus apaan?*
grace: hari ini...fisika kan?

dan dunia pun kiamat xD...

huahahahahahahaha smpah itu gw panik stenga idup dengernya, mata membelalak jantung dagdigdug kaki lemes xDxD ITU BODOOOOHHH BANGEEETTT!!! *menyesali kebodohan sendiri* gw yakin nga bakal bisa ngejar 5 bab biologi dalam stenga jam.. karena lagi teler akibat flu dan MEMANG NGA BAKAL BISA... jadi dengan sangat menyesal.. gw pulang.. huhuhuh.. kepada bapak ibu guruku yang budiman dan baik hati kalo ada yg baca PLEASE keep it as a secret.. huhuhuh dan maap kepada 2 guru bio yang dikira guru fisika.. hahah..

sampe rumah jadinya langsung tidur.. tepar.. lumayan juga blajar fisika 2 hari xD heheh..

it's the first unluckyness i had.. the second, pas hari sabtunya, nga bisa resist ga buka facebook.. heheh so i did opened it.. at yeah another shit happened T__T jadi begini.. ada satu mantannya my boy yang SUMPAH SUPER RESE BETUL.. beliau beda 6 taun (nga salah ketik..ENAM tahun sodara2) dan dia obviously nga suka kalo gw pacaran sama mantannya itu.. jadi she keeps sending me junk mails yang intinya berisi manas2in.. kalo ada yg mau tau seberapa jerk dat girl, gw punya soft copy pembicaraannya xD sebagai contoh bagi kalian2 yg ingin pintar, jgn lakukan itu.. hohoho... maap2 aja nih, tapi dari isi mailnya itu, yang nga penting itu, kalo org laen baca, skali lagi sorrryyyyy, bakal mengira dia cewe panggilan kegatelan (well dat's wat one of my friend said when she read the mails..) lil sis sih slama ini baca itu udah nga peduli.. ketawa ketiwi aja bacanya.. super goblog abisan.. --a
oh yeah, back to the topic, beliau kembali ngirim mail2 yg nga jelas itu.. and i talked to my boy how to STOP her... krn yg lalu2 nga bhasil.. after we sort of having chat, he agreed to tell me everything yg urgent menyangkut itu cewe.. TAPI MALEMNYA~~ bete deh ternyata dia dimintain tolong or whatsoever it called untuk jadi "fotografer" ENTAH APAPUN MAKSUDNYA ITU.. they want to this girl's reunion party, and he said dat he talked about us to her AGAIN.. tapi yg bikin bete adalah, HE DIDN'T TOLD ME HE WAS GOING SUMWHERE WITH HER!!! really hate dat.. telpon nga diangkat, sms nga dibales.. dan kesabaran lil sis mancapain puncaknya setelah nunggu about 3 hours or more.. lil sis said i'm going to wait 4 him.. whether he gonna contact me or not...
a text messages came aroung 11pm.. hebatnya, lil sis yg kalo udah tidur lupa daratan ini kebangun dengan hanya 3x vibrate pendek.. ahahah.. yah intinya dia crita dia ngapain sama siapa kemana.. and he said he slapped her.. aga senang sih dengernya.. hahah.. tapi ttp aja bete krn nga dikabarin.. but dat problem had cleared anyway..walopun tidak dengan cewe itu..

third unluckyness..hari rebo kmren.. lil sis harus susulan biologi menggantikan kebodohan di atas.. hwahahaha.. di saat smua org udah senang2, i still have to study.. huhuhu.. dan itu critanya siang abis lil sis slese susulan i was planning to go to dufan with 5 friends and my boy.. berhubunga lil sis aga2 katro xD udah lama banget nga ke dufan entah sejak kapan, jadi tuh nga konsen blajar bio krn terkontaminasi euforic yg berlebih.. hahahah.. dan lil sis dah lama nga bisa ketemu my boy krn byk hal.. so i was very2 excited and looking forward to it..

but the forth unluckyness came .. si vina tiba2 malem slasa telpon.. she said she cant go.. AAAAAA~~ itu udah prasaan nga enak banget... dan lagi itu kan jadinya tinggal ber5, kalo lagi naek wahana ganjil kan nga enak.. seringnya kan couple2 gitu seatnya.. yah well tapi apa boleh buat.. dat's wat i thought b4 the fifth unluckyness..

we were ready to go, when i called my boy, asking where he is.. when he said..

that he cant go...

i was really pissed off

fucked off

and whatever equals dat..

he cant for some, actually, reasonable things, tapi i HATE IT SO MUCH karena mendadak banget.. but i can understand quite rite.. we still go to dufan though.. heheh.. pas lagi maen wahana, ada satu yg pas seatnya 2-2.. kekawatiran lil sis bakal nga enak karena ganjil jadi ilang.. dan itu karena my boy nga ikut..

yah memang harus ada yg berkorban.. dalam kasus ini mungkin lil sis yang harus berkorban nga bisa ketemu my boy.. hhhh~

and i really miss him now.. sialnya dengerin lagunya sasha.. ditemani dengan makian cewe yg tadi di 4 mail sekaligus... hhhh~

my body is tired of walking and playing..

my mind and brain is tired of exams...

but mostly, my heart is tired of waiting and is full for patience..

it's not his fault
it's no one's fault
it's just another unluckyness chain on me..i keep saying dat all day yesterday to prevent me from gloomy mood and shed a tears..

but those things wont change my love towards him..

dat's why i'm gonna wait


and wait..

until he gets home and finally hug me again..

sentimentil part 2~

my boy is away.. so.. maybe this is a cure for me..

Owner of my heart - Sasha

If you think I've let you down
Tried to fool you
There's no need to
If you think I've played around
Why'd you worry
You should know me
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

If you look straight in my eyes
You will know I'm not pretending
I don't hide, there's no disguise
Why you doubt me, that's a strange thing
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

I can't stand by watching you walk away
Knowing you still belong with me
Close by my side
You think I don't care
But forever, I swear
Ooh, my love has grown stronger
And that I can't hide
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart


I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

Oh, oh, no one can tell me
Cause I know for sure
When I'm not with you, baby
I'm wasting my time
I'll do anything that you want me to do
Ooh, just call out my name
Can't she give me a sign
Give me a sign, oh, oh

If you just give me some time (some time)
To convince you
We can pull through (we can pull through)
Let me see what's on your mind (on your mind)
I won't change you, I don't have to
I've been true right from the start (oh, oh, oh)
You're the owner of my heart
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart
I've been true right from the start
You're the owner of my heart

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ T______T


lagi sentimentil.. just for my boy..

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's gonna to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment, maybe sing with me
All - ah peaceful melody
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Scooch on closer dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
Please don't, please don't, please don't
There's no need to complicate
Cause our time is short
This is out fate, I'm yours =)

tomorrow is the third month honey.. love you..



hahahah akhirnya setelah berusaha berjuang ini blog kembali aktif!! muahahaha.. kemaren2 itu dengan cantiknya blog ini nga nerima password yg biasa, dan harus reset password. tapi waktu itu karena satu hal dan banyal hal yg bikin bete, hotmail waktu itu passwordnya juga nga tau gimana cara bisa berubah.. dan harus reset password juga, yg musti buka ke imelnya yahoo *perjalanan panjang belum berakhir* yang mana PASSWORDNYA JUGA NGA TAU KEMANAAAA~~

itu bener2 bikin stress T__T tapi sekarang semua sudah kembali sehat walafiat dan blog ini kembali mengguncang! xD heheh..

so many to tell sampe2 udah ada yg kelupaan gara2 insiden blog di atas.. but recently i just watch LASKAR PELANGI *yeah i know it's kinda late =p* yang bikin sebal dari org sentimentil adalah.. lil sis dari AWAL film sampai AKHIR film nga bisa brenti nangis.. huhuhu... bener2 sedih dan mengharukaaaan~ btw itu settingnya bagus bgt deh.. natural bgt.. salute buat production house nya!!
the funniest part *and the goblogest part i think..* adalah waktu mreka nyanyi "Seroja Kembang" SUMPAH ITU NGA NAHAN KETAWANYA XD huahahahahha.. sangat bodoh... xD
dunno wat else to say tapi itu bener2 a good film, no, a good INDONESIAN film.. karena semua film yg laen.. maaf2 aja kalo ada PH yg baca, just some junk.. ga layak masuk bioskop, setara sama angling dharma, sinetron cinta2an, dan infotaiment (yang suprisingly my boy nonton O_O) film kartun aja masih lebih bagus.. makanya lil sis skrg sangat jarang nonton tipi..

owyah lil sis juga udah nonton "Quantum of Solace" !! hahaha..tapi buat yang nga nonton "Casino Royale" mungkin aga2 nga ngerti kali ya, soalnya itu aga nyambung.. setelah ini adalah spoiler jadi buat yang mau baca block aja pake mouse yang nga mau lewatin xD

ENDINGNYA GANTUNG!!! bete deh.. pasti pakal ada sequelnya lagi yg masih nyambung juga sama itu.. tapi bener2 endingnya bikin bete.. and for me, kyknya actionnya masih bagusan casino royale.. yg di sini actionnya byk yg nga jelas gitu lagi ngapain.. nga bagus2 amat ah.. tapi emang critanya ttp oke sih.. james bond with the usual 2 women dan satunya mati... standar... yg bagus emang settingnya.. beberapa action juga ada yg oke.. tapi entah knp ko rasanya james bondnya daniel craig nga james bond bgt gitu.. mungkin krn emang james bond yg ini kan yang dulu2 nya sebelum jamse bondnya pierce bosnan.. lili sis kangen pierce bosnan yang maeeeennn!! AAAA~~~

hueheheh sekian ajah spoilernya ntar kalo tau lebih lanjut malah udha nga perlu nonton lagi xD
i'm gonna post something else soon.. mudah2an ga lama.. heheh




ya ampun lil sis baru aja officially sembuh dari penyakit yang entah apa ini namanya T__T sejak hari minggi kemaren itu udah pusingna minta ampun.. tapi minum panadol biru sembuh jadi dibiarin ajah padahal tadinya pengen nga masuk skul tuh.. heheh.. tapi masa masuk aja blom udah mau meliburkan diri lagi??
tapi kejadian itu berulang terus sampe hari slasa, yang mana diminumin panadol GA NGARUH which means udah parah.. jadilah malem slasa terkapar di atas kasur.. merintih - rintih gitu deh.. huaaa.. jadi tuh sindromnya begini..

pagi: brasa seger, cuma rada pusing2 gimanaaa gitu..

siang: bawaannya mulai ngantuk.. mulai pusing juga.. @_@
sore: it's like... DYING.. itu bener2 paraaaaahh.. terus bisa tidur di kamar yg mungil tanpa ada bantuan sirkulasi udara apapun ddengan piyama lengkap + bed cover yang tebel.. it's so DAMN COLD!!!
malem : sedikit mereda.. tapi berhubung udah kebanyakan tidur jadinya nga bisa tidur.. guling2 aja kayak org dodol di atas kasur.. hueheh

dan hari rabo malem itu akhirnya my mom took me to the doctor.. which kinda weird karena kan i have i own doctor :D heheh i think i forgot to mention kalo my boy kuliah kedokteran.. heheh.. yah berhubung beliau blom dapet gelar jadi kan nga valid kalo bikin resep dokter xD hihih..

anyway pas di dokter itu kan dipriksain macem2 gitu kan, pas di priksa tensi itu katanya kluar bintik2 merah gitu.. as i assume that you've all known, itu adalah tanda2 dari demam berdarah.. huhuhu.. jadilah malem itu juga dilarikan ke RSPI, nga lgsg opname sih.. cuma cek darah doang.. dan TERNYATA... lil sis nga sakit DB!! karena setelah di cek itu trombosit masih 200an which means masih di range 150 - 400 which means masih bagus and which means nga kena DB!! itu udah sorak2 bergembira tuh nga usah opname.. tapi kata dokternya besoknya musti cek lagih.. kerna kalo diliat overall jangan2 200 itu udah turun.. diliat dari Hb nya yang 17.3an padahal range itu cuma dari 7 ato 8 sampe 16.. yang brarti jauh di atas normalnya..hueheh..

but the next day dpriksa juga nga terjadi prubahan yang signifikan..


seriously.. sampe skrg hari jumat dan udah menunjukkan tanda2 sembuh, lil sis masih nga tau ini penyakit apa.. hahah

but there is another event today that i wanna share.. MY SECOND MONTH ANIV WITH MY BOY!! yipeee!! :D happy aniv juga bwat my soulmate andin and his boy daniel yang masih mengahadapi berbagia rintangan in their love life.. wish u guys the best!! :)
owyah second month aniv ini juga brarti 1st month aniv bwat ini blog dan six more days to bertha dan franz aniv :) jangan sering2 brantem ya guys..

another item! well, aga telat sih.. tapi i had my hair cut~ haihahahaha...

sayang putunya gelap bet.. T__T yah intinya skrg lil sis BERPONI! trus juga jadi pendek itu bgian blkgnya.. yang menjadi penyesalan di kemudian hari kerna panjangnya jadi tanggung.. kalo di skul di lepas katanya melanggar aturan jadi musti diiket, tapi kalo diiket my face jadi BULEEETT!! huhuh.. tapi gpp.. byk org yang admit kalo it's suits me ko.. plus ada yg bilang jadi lebih manis juga.. kyaaaaaaaaa!!! xD hueheeheh

see u on the next post!



first of all, i would like to say a big apology for all of my family, friends, and readers... and also..

*ketupat plis :D*

tuh kan ini udah mulai males.. udah hampir sebulan nga posting lagih..hueheh.. so many things i should told here.. tapi mulai dari mana yah?? yah well as far as i remeber aja yah.. heheh

btw ini barusan baca dari msn lifestyle, kinda good..

25 Fascinating Love Facts

By Laura Schaefer

1. Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don't.
(ga tau dari mana korelasinya sih, tapi lil sis mah oke2 aja.. enak di istrinya bukan?? :D)

2. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!)
(it's true!! so do i!!! knp yah?)

3. When it comes to doing the deed early in the relationship, 78 percent of women would decline an intimate rendezvous if they had not shaved their legs or underarms.

4. Feminist women are more likely than other females to be in a romantic relationship.

5. Two-thirds of people report that they fall in love with someone they've known for some time vs. someone that they just met.
(yeah i dun belief in love at first sight X) kinda weird.. at least musti kenal dulu for some times baru deh..)

6. There's a reason why office romances occur: The single biggest predictor of love is proximity.

7. Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body and mind and raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover's memory.

8. Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses — pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.
(jadi takut sama jatuh cinta itu samaaa??? XD hahahah)

9. Brain scans show that people who view photos of a beloved experience an activation of the caudate — the part of the brain involving cravings.
(no wonder people who fall in love always crave for 'things'.. hahah no i'm just kiddin)

10. The women of the Tiwi tribe in the South Pacific are married at birth.

11. The "Love Detector"
(???) service from Korean cell phone operator KTF uses technology that is supposed to analyze voice patterns to see if a lover is speaking honestly and with affection. Users later receive an analysis of the conversation delivered through text message that breaks down the amount of affection, surprise, concentration and honesty of the other speaker.

12. Eleven percent of women have gone online and done research on a person they were dating or were about to meet, versus seven percent of men.

13. Couples' personalities converge over time to make partners more and more similar.

14. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

15. The tradition of the diamond engagement ring comes from Archduke Maximillian of Austria who, in the 15th century, gave a diamond ring to his fiancée, Mary of Burgundy.

16. Forty-three percent of women prefer their partners never sign "love" to a card unless they are ready for commitment.

17. People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin — as low as levels seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
( whaaaatttttt??? wtf??) Perhaps that's why it's so easy to feel obsessed when you're smitten.

18. Philadelphia International Airport finished as the No. 1 best airport for making a love connection, according to an online survey.

19. According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you'll make a love match.
(HUAHAHAHAHHA.. jadi buat player yang di luar sana berbahagialah kerna kali udah PUAS ganti2 pasangan dan menemukan 'the one' for your life.. huaahahhaha.. how bout dat, my boy? x)

20. A man's beard grows fastest when he anticipates sex.
(gotta check my boy's.. hahah)

21. Every Valentine's Day, Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet

21. When we get dumped, for a period of time we love the person who rejected us even more, says Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University and author of Why We Love. The brain regions that lit up when we were in a happy union continue to be active.
took place, receives around 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet.(dan dari sinilah muncul orang2 yang terobsesi untuk mendapatkan orang lain..)

22. People telling the story of how they fell in love overwhelmingly (yeah rite :D) believe the process is out of their control.

23. Familiarity breeds comfort and closeness … and romance.

24. One in five long-term love relationships began with one or both partners being involved with others.

25. OK, this one may not surprise you, but we had to share it: Having a romantic relationship makes both genders happier. The stronger the commitment, the greater the happiness!
(awh.. this is so sweet.. it's really true though.. )

so? i think all above are really true.. and applies for universe.. heheh...

anyway next i wanna show a pic after this..
kemaren senen lil sis and my boy baru nonton "awake" yang sumpah ya amit2 ramenya itu yang namanya XXI astaga.. gara2 ada launching laskar pelangi sepertinya.. tapi lil sis sengaja ga mau nonton itu soalnya MALES pasti penuhnya minta
ampun.. dan lagi sejak nonton trailernya AWAKE jadi penasaran.. yeah i know it's kinda late.. tapi yg penting kan enjoy :D

but then sumthing strange but funny occur!! pas lil sis lagi ngantri di XXI trying to search for my boy yang katanya di XXI juga.. tapi ko ga ada yaaa? in front of lil sis ada bapak2 gitu bergaya om-om pada umumnya (silahkan bayangkan om masing2) dan di depannya lagi ada sum ordinary guy gitu yang all of sudden balik badan ngadep blakan
g.. guess who!! it's my boy ternyataaaa~ dan kita sama2 ngantri tanpa tau yg lain juga lagi ngantri.. hauuaua.. dan with my all stupidity lil sis udah nyari kemana2 tapi nga ketemu juga my boy ini.. padahal beliau kan tinggi!! and surprisingly..

we both wear GREEN polo shirt!! hahaha.. sumpah kayak janjian.. here is the pic..

yah ijonya emang beda sih..punya lil sis ijo pastel (ato ijo buluk??) dan punya my boy ijo apel..
but still, it's GREEEEEEENN~~ hahah maksa..

the NEXT thing!!

akirnya setelah perjuangan dapetin KTP selesai (yang terjadi kira2 bualn juni lalu sebetulnya) lil sis blajar NYETIIIRR~~ yihaaa!! udah tiga hari ini sejak awal minggu liburan balajr nyetir mobil :D dan ternyata SUSAH.. kirain kyk nyetir mobil daytona di timezone (yang dengan asalnya ditabrakin kemana2..huahaha) yang so far itu susah itu kalo lagi di jalan gede which means banyak mobil, dan harus berpikir cepat antara kopling(my dad nga ngijinin langsung blajar matic)-rem-gas-setir-liatin jalan-lampu sen yang bikin kagok dan YG CANTIKNYA tiba2 mesinnya mati...


sumpah itu nyebelin buanget.. dan berhubung di jalan gede kan jadi aga2 tegang gimana gitu.. dan mengakibatkan mau diulang brapa kali juga ga bakal bisa maju.. padahal kalo di jalan biasa, brenti trus jalan lagi udah mulus..
but for me it's fun ^^ kalo lagi nyetir bisa nyengir sendiri tiba2.. huahahah.. hey it's rhymes!

NYENGIR (okeh maksa)

and so far paling cepet baru 20 km/jam.. huahahah

btw.. sambil poting ini lagi sakit perut nih.. kira2 gara2 apa yah? *thinking*
btw lagi, itu oreo yg mengandung melamin beneran nga sih? karena kalo bener jangan2 ini gara2 makan oreo.. *ups*

apakah melamin mengakibatkan mencret2?

anyway i hope poting berikutnya nga terlalu lama *amin* tapi dengan tugas yg bejibun begini.. hahah ga janji deh :)


me and my (backstreet) boy

this time I present this corner to a person i'm fell in love with :D introducing my very own (ya iyalah masa dibagi sama org laen xD) boyfrienddddd~ heheh his name is Petrus Stevanus Chrisputra Pribadi Supit ( yeah now everyone know your full name honey :D) dan ngomong2 soal 'dibagi' i've just remember kalo sebenernya dgn my boy ini gw di tigain, no, bahkan dilimain!! X(

pacar nomer 1: ME
number 2 : gitar klasik
number 3 : gitar elek
number 4 : pick gitar
number 5 : new ampli gitar yg katanya kecil tapi beurath itu..

is it just nuts?? lil sis diLIMAin sama benda2 FANAAA~~ huhuhuh.. no just kidding my boy, i believe you only love me (and prove dat!! heheh)

speaking about my boy, lil sis pengen pamer2 huauaauua
ganteng ngaaaaaa?? huahahahah... for me, you are, my boy..hehehe..but fyi aja for all readers, yang bersangkutan pasti lagi besaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar kepala xD.. tapi boleh doooonnggg membanggakan pacar sendiri xD.. btw satu hal lagi that i reaaaally like from his physics (fisik, bukan fisika..) is his hands.. i love guys with strong and warm hands :)

he is one of the mad guys yang kuliah double degree, which i want to tell to EVERYONE coz he is damn one person with thousands talents!! i envy dat.. semua2 pasti bilangnya 'lagi diplajarin'.. apa yg nga sih? T_T

anyway despites all good things and bad things i've told, knp baru hari ini ngenalin my boy secara officially? karenaaa.. hari ini lil sis RESMI GA BACKSTREEET!!! hiaahahahah.. hari ini berlangsung terlalu lancar.. and so far my parents haven't given any comments about him.. my boy bukan lagi backtreet boy~ (pria jalan belakang xD ahahah)

intinya sih hari ini my boy went to my house and lil sis introduce him to the whole family, karena kebetulan my sister lagi di rumah (oh yeah, i have elder sister but she lives in bandung..kuliah di sana) dan yg bikin lil sis heran, ko ga ada komen apa2 sih?? prasaan biasanya my parents kalo menemukan hal2 yg keccciiiiiiiiiilllll aja trus pasti lgsg crewet.. hmm pertanda apa yah??

i'm writing this while watching "sistershood of travelling pants" emang kinda late sih..ini aja minjem sama a best friend of mine, andin.. n yeah..ini memuaskan keinginan lil sis pengen nonton film sampe nangis.. a great movie..katanya mau dibikin sequelnya yah? liat di internet ada "sistershood of travelling pants 2" gotta watch it!!

ngomong2 soal film juga (hahah ini hari isinya acak2an bgt xD) i really can't wait for TWLIGHT!!! in theatres on november..pertengahan ato tgl 20an kalo ga salah..aduh itu HARUS NONTON DI BIOSKOP!! walopun kemungkinan pada tanggal2 sgitu lil sis lagi ulangan umum, tapi itu WAJIB DITONTON GA MAU TAU DEEEEHHH!!!! X0

okeh2 kebahagiaan hari ini akan dishare energinya ke tempat lain yaitu BLAJAR!! mumpung lagi niat niihh.. heheh (padahal abis ini plg buka buku doang trus bobo xD) dan AAAAAAAAARRRGGHH besok udah senen..hhhh~~ AYO SMANGAT CIAYO JALANI SAJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~


Typing Lesson..

berapa banyak dari kita yang ngetik dengan 10 jari? pasti nga banyak deh, dan lil sis pun ngetik dengan 11 jari alias jari telunjuk 2 biji dikerahkan untuk mencet semua hurup... heheeh.. nah gara2 itu, kalo lagi chatting itu suka splittyping yang bisa mengakibatkan dua hal.. si lawan bicaranya ga ngerti kerna bahasanya acak kadul, ato ngetiknya jadi lama gara2 musti ngebetulin..

berbekal dari kesalahan itu(caelah) lil sis jadi pengen blajar ngetik 10 jari lagi.. knp lagi? karena sebelum ini (baca: waktu sd) itu sebenernya ada tuh plajaran komputer yang ngajarin gimana caranya ngetik 10 jari yang bener, dan berhubung waktu itu ADA ULANGANNYA jadi mau ga mau kan musti bisa.. sayangnya karena dulu blom semaniak sekarang ketergantungan terhadap komputernya, yg plg cuma dipake bwat maen doang, jadi lupa deh itu gimana caranya ngetik 10 jari.. hweheheh..

ini juga tadinya maxudnya mo ngetik pake 10 jari semua.. tapi setelah satu paragraf lebih menyerah.. kembali ke 11 jari.. hihih.. padahal ya itu tadi, musti sering2 mencet backspace buat ngapus lagi hurup2 yg salah..

blajar ngetik 10 jari juga ternyata lumayan berguna loh, yang lil sis tau sih kalo bisa ngetik 10 jari, untuk ketrima kerjaan lebih gampang, kalo misalnya job descriptionnya itu menyangkut administrasi dan kawan2nya itu.. bener ga sih? huauaua

btw kalo ada yg mau ikutan blajar juga ini ada urlnya yg nyediain typing lesson gratisan, bahkan sampe ada setifikatnya per level xD blajarnya bener2 mulai dari yg basic, yang cuma ngetik 'a' sama 'f' doang sampe terus nambah 2 keys tiap levelnya sampe itu stu kibor kepake smua..

here is the url.. http://www.freetypinggame.net/free-typing-lesson.asp tinggal kopy pes ajah..

enjoy the typing lesson ;)

ps:masih rajin neh postingnya teratur.. hweheh masih baru sih.. ntar juga kalo udah mule2 bosen postigngannya sminggu skali.. heheh




hahah.. ini buat bikin 'resmi' aja sih blognya.. ga kuku kalo bikin blog tapi ga ada postinganna.. heheh

sedikit info yang punya blog! kalo mau baca sukur deh,tapi kalo nga juga ga ada yang bakal cincang bolak balik sama rata bumbu cabe ko..heheh..

kata ganti orang pertama di sini bukanlah "gw,saya,saia,daku,aku,akyu,eike,diriku" ato apapun laaahh...seperti kalo org ngobrol pada umumnya.. i prefer using "lil sis" to 'those' i've mention' soalnya ga enak aja bacanya.. huahahah.. tapi berhubung ini kliatannya bakal bilingual (ato lebih) jadi mungkin plg banter pake "I" kali yah..

kira2 ini blog bakal berisi suara hati seseorang yang mengaku "the little sister" about the world dat happening around her.. bahasa gampangnya sih mau nulis diary.. huahahah.. tapi bukan cuma itu(kayak mo ngasi bonus kalo jualan yg di tipi2 xD) lil sis juga suka iseng liat2 kemana2 (bukan, matanya bukan jelalatan sampe bintitan) and there's so many interesting things yang mungkin bisa jadi bacaan ringan sambil makan makanan ringan dan olarhaga angkat beban ringan!!pokona yg ringan2 aja deh! ato dengan kata lain ini blog isinya bakal seenak jidat aja suka2 lil sis xD

kenapa blog ini dibuat hari ini? bukan jumat kliwon? karena kalo jumat kliwon musti pasang sesajenan 7 bunga rupa di tujuh pintu (hayah --a) jadi giniiii, ada alasan knp blognya dibikin hari ini. selain tanggal hari ini bagus, 10 sept 08 ---> 10.09.08 juga karna hari ini special day for me!! heheh.. hari ini me and my boy and my best friend and her boyfriend (nga, kita ga foursome ko xD) celebrate our first month anniversary of our relationship!! doakan langgeng!! heheh..

udah dehhh~~ dat's all for this first post.. toh there's so many time ahead ko bwat crita2 lagi :D
have fun with my blog!!