

YES I INDEED LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!! even though i hate him b4.. eheheh.. jadi bgini, lil sis baru slese baca "new moon" - Stephenie Meyer dan SUMPAH I HAVE TO ADMIT baca depannya itu bikin hati miris.. huhuhu.. i just want to put a part here, a part where i said OMG THIS IS SO SWEET!!!! hehehe..

anyway, here we go, aga panjang sih, tapi nga full ko, ada yg dipotong..this is the part when bella asked to edward and the whole family (AGAIN) to be one of the Cullens.. yg nga mau baca skip sendiri..

"I would want...Carlisle not to have to do it. I would want you to change me."

I watched his reaction warily, expecting more of the fury I'd seen at his house. I was surprised that his expression didn't change. It was still calculating, thoughtful.

"What would you be willing to trade for that?"

I couldn't believe my ears. I gawked at his composed face and blurted out the answer before I could think of it.


He smiled faintly, and then pursed his lips.

" Five years?"

My face twisted into an expression somewhere between chagrin and horror.

"You said anything," he reminded me

"Yes, but...you'll use the time to find a way out of it. I have to strike while the iron is hot. Besides, it's just too dangerous to be human - for me, at least. So, anything but that."

He frowned. "Three years?"


"Isn't it worth anything to you at all?"

I thought about how much I wanted this. Better to keep a poker face, I decided, and not let him know how very much that was. It would give me more leverage. "Six months?"

He rolled his eyes."Not good enough."

"One year, then," I said. "That's my limit."

"At least give me two."

"No way. Nineteen I'll do. But I'm not going anywhere near twenty. If you're staying in your teens forever, then so am I."

He thought for a minute. "All right. Forget time limits. If you want me to be the one - then you'll just have to meet one condition."

"Condition?" My voice went flat. "What condition?"

His eyes were cautious - he spoke slowly.

"Marry me first."

OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD~~!!!!!! I REALLY LOVE THAT SCENEEE!!! ahahahahha.. not that i want it in short period, but i DO WANT IT!!!! *a note for my boy :D heheh*

tapi abis itu aga2 anti klimaks xD heheh

"I'm only eighteen"

"Well, I'm nearly a hundred and ten. It's time I settled down."

HAHAHAH kasian bgt si edward xD heheheh

ANYWAY setelah berjijay2 ria baca depannya...NEW MOON TERNYATA MEMANG BIKIN BETE.. udah dpnnya bikin bete.. blkgnya juga.. GANTUNG CRITANYAAAAA... beteee.. harus baca yang ketiga!!! mu minta bertha bawain ahhhh~~ hehehehe...

despite of the title of the blog entry, my heart is still only for my boy xD hehehe..

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